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Garnier, Hair Colouring Creme, Long-lasting Colour, Smoothness & Shine, Color Naturals, Shade: 3 Darkest Brown, 70ml + 60g

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Product details

Give your hair a natural shade in the comfort of your own home with Garnier Color Naturals. The creamy hair colour gives 100% grey coverage and is available in several impressive shades. The ammonia free formula ensures that your new colour lasts up to 8 weeks*, and has also been enriched with almond, olive, and avocado oil to nourish the hair and increase its shine. The Color Ready Kit makes sure that you have all the required equipment ready and includes a bowl, brush, and hair clips. (*Note: We recommend using a colour protect shampoo and conditioner to ensure that the colour lasts that long. Also, be aware that even if the formula is free from ammonia, other ingredients could irritate the skin. Therefore, always do an allergy test 24 hours before colouring your hair!)


गार्नियर कलर नेचुरल्स के साथ अपने बालों को घर बैठे ही प्राकृतिक रंग प्रदान करें। मलाईदार बालों का रंग 100% ग्रे कवरेज देता है और कई प्रभावशाली रंगों में उपलब्ध है। अमोनिया मुक्त फॉर्मूला सुनिश्चित करता है कि आपका नया रंग 8 सप्ताह* तक बना रहे, और बालों को पोषण देने और उनकी चमक बढ़ाने के लिए बादाम, जैतून और एवोकैडो तेल से भी समृद्ध किया गया है। कलर रेडी किट सुनिश्चित करती है कि आपके पास सभी आवश्यक उपकरण तैयार हैं और इसमें एक कटोरा, ब्रश और हेयर क्लिप शामिल हैं। (*नोट: हम यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कलर प्रोटेक्ट शैम्पू और कंडीशनर का उपयोग करने की सलाह देते हैं कि रंग लंबे समय तक बना रहे। साथ ही, ध्यान रखें कि भले ही फॉर्मूला अमोनिया से मुक्त हो, अन्य तत्व त्वचा में जलन पैदा कर सकते हैं। इसलिए, हमेशा एलर्जी परीक्षण करें अपने बालों को रंगने से 24 घंटे पहले!)

How to apply: Preparations

While this ammonia-free formula is suitable for sensitive skin and hair, it is still possible that you might get an allergic reaction. That is why you should always do an allergy test before colouring your hair at home - even if you have coloured your hair before! To do so, simply press a small amount of colourant somewhere on your skin, such as behind the ear. Go about your day; if the spot where you put your colourant still looks fine after 24 hours, you can go on with colouring!

How to apply: Mixing

Once you have done the allergy test, take out a bowl and brush. If you use the Color Ready Kit version of Color Naturals, these tools are included; otherwise, use any non-metallic bowl and brush that you like. Open the Color Naturals package, put on the gloves and mix the included liquid colourant and developer together evenly.

How to apply: Aftercare

Taking care of your hair is important, especially after you have dyed it. All Color Naturals kits also include a post colour-care conditioner that you should apply to make sure your hair feels fresh and nourished after getting coloured. Also consider using serums and other hair products specifically designed to help coloured hair retain its strength and shade!

How to apply: Aftercare

Taking care of your hair is important, especially after you have dyed it. All Color Naturals kits also include a post colour-care conditioner that you should apply to make sure your hair feels fresh and nourished after getting coloured. Also consider using serums and other hair products specifically designed to help coloured hair retain its strength and shade!



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