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VLCC Diamond Facial Kit -60g- Skin purifying with Parlour Glow. With Colloidal Diamond, Jojoba Oil, Olive Oil & Aloe Vera.

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Product details

The Diamond facial kit from VLCC is designed to provide women with an indulgent spa facial that they can give themselves in the comfort of their own homes.

Facial treatment using the products from the VLCC facial kit will leave your skin polished, cleansed, and feeling fresh due to the unique formula that contains rich, natural active ingredients. The Diamond scrub exfoliates dead skin cells and goes deep into the skin to remove blackheads and whiteheads. It contains Vitamin E, jojoba and real diamond bhasma that work together to rejuvenate and purify the skin. It also builds the skin’s immunity against damage and pollution. The Diamond detox lotion contains leaf extracts and olive oil that refresh and regenerate skin tissue, while cooling it down. The Diamond massage gel, which contains aloe vera and glycerine combats fine lines and wrinkles, thereby helping to reverse ageing of the skin. Finally, the Diamond wash-off mask with orange peel, Vitamin E, and glycerine helps to nourish and moisturise your skin, leaving it soft and glowing.

For best results, first take required amount of the scrub and apply on the face gently with circular movements for a few monutes. Wipe it off with damp cloth and take 4 ml of the detox lotion and massage it gently into the face and neck. Then apply the massage gel with light circular upward movement for 20 minutes. Wipe it off with damp cotton and apply the wash-off mask, avoiding the eye area, and keep it for 20 minutes. Wipe your face clean and finally apply 1ml of the detox lotion. Repeat this process once a week.

Product Features

Contains multiple face cleansing, purifying, and rejuvenating products in one package. The products contain natural active ingredients. It is suitable for all skin types. It is designed for women.


  • Our Diamond Facial Kit is a skin polishing, at-home facial kit that offers you skin purification and a sparkling finish; fights premature signs of aging, fine lines, and age spots effectively.
  • This Diamond Facial Kit enhances your skin’s natural defense system, improves skin elasticity, and brightens and lightens patchy and damaged skin.
  • The Diamond Facial Kit is an easy 6-step routine that helps minimize the effects of aging on your skin and keep it looking younger.
  • This Diamond Facial Kit contains the following components: Cleanser cum toner, Diamond Powder Scrub, Diamond Detox Lotion, Diamond Gel, Diamond wash off mask, and Oil Free Moisturising Gel.

हमारा डायमंड फेशियल किट एक त्वचा को चमकाने वाला, घरेलू फेशियल किट है जो आपको त्वचा की शुद्धि और चमकदार फिनिश प्रदान करता है; समय से पहले उम्र बढ़ने के लक्षणों, महीन रेखाओं और उम्र के धब्बों से प्रभावी ढंग से लड़ता है।
यह डायमंड फेशियल किट आपकी त्वचा की प्राकृतिक रक्षा प्रणाली को बढ़ाती है, त्वचा की लोच में सुधार करती है, और धब्बेदार और क्षतिग्रस्त त्वचा को चमकाती और हल्का करती है।
डायमंड फेशियल किट एक आसान 6-चरणीय दिनचर्या है जो आपकी त्वचा पर उम्र बढ़ने के प्रभाव को कम करने और इसे युवा बनाए रखने में मदद करती है।
इस डायमंड फेशियल किट में निम्नलिखित घटक शामिल हैं: क्लींजर कम टोनर, डायमंड पाउडर स्क्रब, डायमंड डिटॉक्स लोशन, डायमंड जेल, डायमंड वॉश ऑफ मास्क और ऑयल फ्री मॉइस्चराइजिंग जेल।


Diamond Facial Kit for Instant Glow for that Special Occasion





This product helps detoxify the skin by gently removing dirt and grime from the skin leaving it soft and conditioned.

It enhances skin's natural defense mechanism forming a protective layer over skin.

It helps stimulate the skin to fight against premature ageing caused by pollution. It improves elasticity and leads to a radiant complexion.

It evens out skin tone, nourishes dry, patchy skin to reveal clear, glowing and a youthful complexion.


Key Ingredients

Diamond Ash

Jojoba Oil

Olive Oil

Aloe Vera

Diamond Bhasma

Diamond bhasma or ash obtained through heating and pulverizing diamonds with herbs is an excellent skin purifier and hydrator.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is known nature’s most efficient moisturizer and most effectively moisturizes your skin.

Olive Oil

It helps soothe and nourish the skin making it supple, youthful and healthy.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera, also known as 'the plant of immortality' can truly work miracles for the skin. It has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, hydrating, healing and rejuvenating properties.


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